Student Life

Student Support Services

Educational Support Services

The Salisbury Christian School Philosophy of Education states, “Each student has been created in the image of God and therefore possesses invaluable worth and potential. As such, each student is not to be compared with other students but viewed as an individual with unique abilities and intellect.”

Salisbury Christian School aspires to be a community that represents the body of Christ described in 1 Corinthians 12, where unity is found in the celebration of diversity. A goal of SCS is to include students with varying needs and abilities, which strengthens our community and enriches the experience for all students. A Multi-Tiered System of Support framework is utilized to help each student achieve his/her individual and God-given potential and hinges upon collaboration between teachers, administrators, support personnel, parents, and families.

Getting to know the unique strengths and weaknesses of every student is a priority at SCS. A variety of assessments and observational tools are utilized to serve as the starting point for the quality, differentiated instruction provided by our classroom teachers and to determine if further intervention and accommodations are needed through our Educational Support Services Department.

Guidance Department

The Salisbury Christian School Guidance Department exists to provide support and resources for students, staff, and parents. Notably, the SCS Guidance Department serves students from kindergarten through 12th grade – helping students navigate all of their educational experiences, ranging from friendship management to SAT preparation. Our counselors’ primary responsibility is to help our students make the best of their educational and social opportunities at SCS. To that end, our Guidance professionals provide individual and group counseling, standardized testing coordination, monitoring of grades, implementation of community programs, assistance in the college search and application process, and much more… all from a Christian perspective.

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Tammy Jenkins

    Tammy Jenkins 

    K-8 Guidance Counselor
  • Photo of Kasi Lyndaker

    Kasi Lyndaker 

    High School Guidance Counselor
  • Photo of Tabitha Bova

    Tabitha "(Tabby)" Bova 

    Educational Support Services Coordinator

About SCS

Our vision is to engage, excite, and equip students to become resilient learners, passionate world changers, and steadfast followers of Jesus Christ!
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